Flowers suspended in the darkness; a ball—dripping with paint—hurtling through the void; a tide of oranges floating in an unspeakable liquid. Gyeol, from director Jin Angdoo, is a treat for the eyes and the senses—an abstract film that pushes the boundaries of the medium, relying on really-existing matter and materials to produce its compelling compositions (rather than using the tricks of animation). “The film is a mix of the unsettling and oddly satisfying,” explains the Korean-born filmmaker who today splits her time between the creative triumvirate of London, Paris, and Amsterdam. “Gyeol follows the linear journey of a travelling ball, with hard cuts into shots of flowers and fruit—all beautifully and meticulously arranged, and heightened by the other-worldly soundtrack.”
Demons (Jared Hogan / Diego Ballesteros)
Joji »Demons« (Official Music Video)
Directed by Jared Hogan
Performance by Diego Ballesteros