Designer of the releases from the record label Kontra-Musik. »Kontra-Musik tries to releases music with a personality. The presence of the producer must be felt. Kontra aims to release music, not only productions made to satisfy djs and clubs. (...) Kontra-Musik is an independent label free as can be. The label tries not to follow trends or fashion to avoid becoming the short-lived product of the most recent hype. This means, that the style of the releases will diverge. Genre is boring. Music is fun.« [source]
Listen here. Read more here and here. And buy here.
»x« [KM043]
kontra-musik – label 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY compilation
»x color« [KM047]
wawuwe (sebastian mullaert)
»travellers« [km045]
Wa the Wu are We
acidub [ALBUM, KM044]
»The Morphosis Korg Response« [KM028]
»Svans« [KM030]
»Svreca Mixes« [KM037]
Image by Martin Olsson
Photo by Andreas Tilliander
10 year anniversary (the CLUB)
Artwork 10 year anniversary
Poster 10 year anniversary
Tyler Friedman »Revolve« [KM026] / »A Night in the Woods« [KM027]
Rivet »Bear Bile« [KM033]
Rivet »Bear Bile« EP [KM033], front.
Rivet »Bear Bile« EP [KM033], back.
This EP by Rivet supports The World Society for the Protection of Animals and the fight against the bear bile industry. In Asia, there are currently around 20 000 bears being subjected to some of the most brutal animal cruelty imaginable. Cubs are bred and held in cages too small to even stand up in. Daily tapped for their gall through an open, often infected, wound in the abdomen. Many suffer for up to 10–12 years before they die.
Cover Photo: GKU/WSPA. Thanks to Lise-Lott Alsenius, WSPA Sverige.
The Durian Brothers »Das Macht Modern« [KM036]
JONSSON & ALTER »Mod – Mixes« [KM024]
JONSSON & ALTER »for you« [KM025]
Jonsson & Alter »2« [KM032]
Photo by Henrik Jonsson
Photo by Henrik Jonsson
»Brevet hem« [KM030]
»en melodi« [km031]
kontra-musik mixes [KMCD03]
Kontra-Musik Mixes [CD, Japan]
Kontra-Musik Mixes [CD, Japan]
Kontra-Musik Mixes [CD, Japan] Artwork